a picture of me in happier times-- when i could eat whatever the heck i wanted.
boo. hiss.
basically, i was so pissed i lost weight that i didn't keep track of my meals in my "meal book" and i broke the meal plan two nights this week. i was sick of restraining myself from eating foods that i love AND losing weight.
not. good.
(note: the two nights i broke the meal plan i consumed alcohol, multiple servings of dairy, sugar, corn, and non-approved carbs...and both nights i ended up with a raging headache...also not good).
one of the nights i broke the meal plan i danced for close to an hour with a devastatingly handsome man...only to have my friend pull me aside and tell me he was wearing a wedding ring. auuuggghhh...apparently refined sugar affects my vision and gives me peripheral neuropathy. i promptly bid my dance partner adieu.
important things i learned this week:
1. when i break the meal plan, i feel like crap
2. i should probably stop trusting devastatingly handsome musicians who play lead guitar in a band currently on tour.
so, i'm back in the saddle.
hopefully i won't shoot the horse before the next week is over.