Monday, May 21, 2007


I know I promised in my last post to update more frequently, but let's get real--it takes me a while. I've accepted it, so stop shaming me. In lieu of apologies, I've decided to throw out the major life events that have happened most recently, and I will attempt to expound on them more at another time. Hopefully sooner than later.

the major events are as follows:
1. bought a house in Nashville this past weekend. Yes, I know I live in Seattle, but I'm planning on returning to Nashville and real estate is getting ridiculous there. If I don't buy now, the only thing I'll be able to afford in a couple years is a double wide...not that there's anything wrong with that...
2. The wrists are still healing. I am still on light duty and still hating it. Hopefully my doc will give me the go-ahead this week to return to nursing. If not, I may be writing my next post from a mental institution. Here's hoping...
3. Started summer classes. Yep, only a week off between spring and summer. Ain't life grand. I have class through the month of June. July and August will be spent enjoying the social life that I have had to put on the back burner this past year.
4. I recently started taking probiotics to make my intestine healthy. I affectionately call them my 'bugs'. I take approximately 4 billion bugs each day- in pill form, of course. This ain't Fear Factor. And no, 4 billion is not a typo.

Alrighty, I can't think of anything else major. Everything else is pretty much same old, same old. Hopefully this will give you a good idea of what has been going on with me lately. I'm hoping to post at least every couple weeks from now on but, again, let's get real. It may take me longer than that.

Until then, I remain affectionately yours,