Thursday, October 21, 2010


This past week I visited dear, dear friends in Esperanza, B.C. Esperanza is off the coast of Vancouver Island; it is is absolutely beautiful. There have been too many good things about the trip to share in this post so, for now, I will share some of my pictures with you: 

More to come...



Chris B said...

Nice pictures. Any brooding vampires?

kounskin cap said... THAT would explain the weird marks on my neck...

Chris B said...

when i see the word Esperanza, I can't help but want to sing it to the tune of the Eagle's song "Desperado".

fortunately no one is around

Falling From Trees said...

Tracy we need to talk. When i get bored at work i look at blogs. so what i am trying to say is that you are hindering my boredom schedule with your lack of blogging. thank you.