So, seeing's how our gym attendance has been waning this month, SJY and I decided to get up early on Saturday and attend a class at our gym. I get home from work around midnight, unwind for an hour or 2, then head to bed, so it takes a pretty big deal for me to get up before 10am. For some reason, I figured the 10:15 Center of Attention, taught by Fran, was reason enough. I assumed the class would be 30 minutes of various ab exercises that would motivate me to get in shape for bathing suit season. I couldn't have been more wrong.
I can't even begin to describe the experience we had in the class...but I will say that I never realize how out-of-shape I am until I attend a class with 12 other people who are bearing witness to my extreme out-of-shapeness. It was ridiculous. The class was not a 30-minute deal where we all did crunches on the floor. Ab-solutely not. The class ended up being what I like to call--Pilates on Crack.
Our instructor kept telling us to squat and take energy from the earth and give it to the sun (whatever the heck that means), all the while twisting and twirking my body in various positions. Eventually, my body was in such extreme pain that I gave up trying to look like I was keeping up with everybody else. I looked over at my equally miserable husband (who is less flexible than me--if that's even possible) and as soon as our eyes met, we dissolved into juvenile giggles in the middle of the quiet studio. I did my best to laugh quietly, but that's pretty much impossible when you're trying to suspend your body in mid-air.
On our walk home, we chalked the class up to a decent morning of entertainment and went on about our day. I headed to work but as the evening progressed, I noticed my legs and butt beginning to get sore. By the end of my shift, I was hobbling around like a frickin' geriatric. The next morning, I woke up and some kind of rigor mortis had set in in my legs. I'm not even kidding. After 2 days, I still don't have decent range of motion from my hips to my ankles. This poses a serious problem when attempting to walk. Not that SJY is doing any better. It's like we're living in a retirement community, hobbling around and complaining about our ailments 24/7.
I'm hopeful that in the next couple of days we'll be able to walk down the stairs without the fear of our legs giving out, the rigor mortis will subside, and I'll be able to quit comparing injuries with the old people down the hall. Oh, and in case you're wondering...I'm totally going back next week.
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